Monday, March 10, 2008

Easter Pictures

We had our Easter pictures made Sunday. They turned out great! I am on Spring Break. I am enjoying time with the kids. I am trying to plan for Maecee's birthday party. Today we started remodeling our bathroom. We are getting a whirlpool tub. I am so excited!
Easter picture of Maecee Kay Mainord.
Easter picture of Davis Wayne Mainord.
Both of my precious babies in their Easter best. I love them so much!

Maecee's 3 year old picture. She will be 3 on March 23rd. We are having her a cooking party.We told Maecee if she smiled pretty and did what the photographer said she would get ice cream after we took pictures. Think goodness it worked. We got some cute ones of her.
This one is Davis at 6 months. I loved this one, because it shows what he is learning how to do right now. I thought it represented him well for his 6 month picture. He has been trying to pull up on all fours, but is not attempting to crawl. He rocks back and forth.
This is another one of Davis at 6 months. He is sitting up some, but still falls over frequently. The photgrapher said Davis was the easiest baby to photograph. It is so easy to make him smile. Actually he wakes up smiling. He is always happy.
Our family Easter picture.

1 comment:

The Henderson's said...

I love these pictures!!!!!!! Wow, what a good looking family!!!!