The most exciting thing that happened was Davis' birthday. His birthday was on 9-11 which was the day we evacuated. His party was going to be the following Saturday, but of couse that got cancelled. Instead he had 2 small parties. One in Arlington on the evening of his birthday and then one in Lubbock at Grand and Papa's.
Maecee did not fair well during all the hurricane tormoil. She was very anxious and easily upset. She is definitely a girl that likes her routines. Davis didn't eat well during all the hurricane mess. He actually started eating baby food again....not sure what happened there? We had a little extra time when we got home before we had to return to work. We spent this time painting the new house. I will take pictures soon. The kid's rooms are cute. Maecee only needs a comforter and Davis still has two walls to decorate. I have looking for a golf picture, football picture, and some kind of shelf to put Davis' keepsake footballs on.

During our many hours of insanity on the road, we made a stop at McDonald's to let the kids have a break. This was Thursday, 9-11, Davis birthday.
That evening we made it to Tom and Akram's in Arlington and celebrated Davis birthday. Of course, Maecee wanted Davis to have an orange cake.
Maecee and Katie singing happy birthday to Davis!

For the kid's birthday, I always fill up their room with balloons.

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